
AbstractChatGPT-3, based on a large language model created by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text, has been open to the public since November 2022. Since 2023, ChatGPT-3 has become a much-discussed educational writing tool. We elaborate on what we mean by referring to ChatGPT-3 as an educational assistant and define moral hazard. Then, we put this writing tool, as an extension of human capabilities, in a historical perspective with an analysis of Plato’s critical stance on writing in Phaedrus. After having analysed ChatGPT-3’s current representations in the media and academia, we ask ChatGPT-3 whether its writing tool should be considered an educational assistant or a moral hazard and if it could reflect on the similarity, if any, between Plato’s critical stance and ChatGPT-3 as a writing tool and comment on ChatGPT-3’s answers. Finally, we compare these to Plato’s main arguments with regard to writing and draw a number of conclusions.

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