
Baryon annihilations during the hadronic stage of heavy-ion collisions affects final-state baryon and antibaryon yields and final-state correlations of baryons and antibaryons. Understanding annihilation is important for addressing questions about the chemistry at the beginning of the hadronic stage and for interpreting charge-balance correlations involving baryons. Here, charge balance functions, using protons and antiprotons binned by relative momentum, rapidity, and azimuthal angle are shown to clarify the amount of annihilation in the hadronic stage. This enables a more accurate extraction of the baryo-chemistry at the beginning of the hadronic stage. Understanding annihilation is also crucial if charge balance correlations are to be used to infer the chemistry of the earliest stages of a heavy-ion collision. Calculations are presented based on microscopic simulations of the hadronic stage coupled to a hydrodynamic description of the earlier stage, along with a detailed modeling of correlations of protons and antiprotons, known as charge-balance functions.

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