
Invention of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence systems has opened the Pandora’s box of opportunities and challenges to the world, and the criminal justice system cannot go untouched by these innovations. The criminal justice system has to assess all pro and cons of implementing the AI system in criminal justice. The first challenge that we face with artificial intelligence in any sector is its sophisticated technological development and the slow pace of development of the legal regime in comparison to artificial technology. The research article concludes by offering solutions for remedying the risks posed by using artificial intelligence in the criminal justice system. A lot of serious concerns and questions including whether the process of adopting judgment is transparent, can we call this as a fair trial, and is it not a violation of due process of law when we use AI in the criminal justice system comes up by the use of AI in the criminal justice system. AI in the criminal justice system will not be able to explain the reasons behind a particular judgment or inquiry, and AI will also have issue in evaluating transparency of the reasoning. Specially, in the criminal justice system, a decision-making process which is deficient in transparency and comprehensibility may not be seen as fair trial and legitimate. Accountability of these AI systems is another important concern that can prove to be a hurdle in implementing AI in the criminal justice system. The main goal of the criminal justice system is to decrease crime, but this is not the only goal as fairness of the procedure is also equally important. In this article, we would like to specify our attention to the main challenges in the sphere of criminal law which are mostly connected with artificial intelligence. The main purpose of this article is to determine the legal definition of artificial intelligence, describe the crucial use of AI in the criminal justice system, and discuss its main challenges in criminal law. The research is conducted with the dialectical method, the systematic analysis of the comparative legal method, the method of formal logic. The interrelated application of the above scientific methods of research helped to achieve the main goals of the present research.

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