
The article discusses the possibility of preparing schoolchildren for the study of the basics of engineering in the framework of training in the section "Algorithmization and programming" of the informatics course based on the Arduino platform. Such training can be organized by including in the material under study practical work on the creation of electronic controlled devices: a weather station, a "smart" night light, a traffic light, a music box, etc. A simple assembly system allows using the Arduino kit for 40-minute lessons: 10 to 20 minutes depending on the complexity of the project. Also, in the classroom, it is proposed to use Tinkercad, a free 3D modeling program that allows you to assemble an electronic device online, write a code, test it, make sure it works, and download a sketch code for further use. The article presents a methodology for carrying out work in the 10th grade to create a "music box" device in Arduino. The purpose of this work is to generalize and systematize the topic "One-dimensional arrays of integers". The practical part of the lesson involves working with light, sound, control, and rotation of the figure. Thus, the concept of "array", algorithmic structures "loop" and "branching" are repeated. This work can also be carried out as an extracurricular event, for example, within the framework of a subject week.

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