
This study aims to develop Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials to improve problem-solving skills in conventional biotechnology materials, as well as to see the validity of the developed Student Worksheets based STEM. This research is a type of research and development or R&D, using the ADDIE approach (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The analysis step with analysis needs and curriculum carried out by researchers obtained information that the curriculum at Junior High school 3 in Ternate city was the 2013 curriculum by identifying Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) as indicators and learning objectives in conventional biotechnology materials to develop Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials. The design step is carried out by compiling a draft or Student Worksheets based STEM learning framework, which contains a cover, introduction, table of contents, learning objectives, material descriptions, work procedures and bibliography. The product development stage that has been developed in the form of Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials was validated by expert validators in the STEM field showing that Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials were very feasible to be tested in the field with a percentage of 89%. The implementation phase was carried out by looking at the results of teacher and student responses in the form of a questionnaire with the results of evaluating teacher responses of 97.33% and 91.44% students towards Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials on conventional biotechnology material in the field with very good categories. The evaluation stage for the development of Student Worksheets based STEM on learning outcomes in conventional biotechnology material is in the medium category with a percentage of 67.6%. from the results of this study it can be concluded that the development of Student Worksheets based STEM teaching materials on conventional biotechnology material can improve the problem solving skills of class IX students at Stated Junior High School 3 in Ternate city.

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