
Microsurgical clipping creates a subsequent barrier of blood flow into intracranial aneurysms, whereas endovascular treatment relies on neointima and thrombus formation. The source of endothelial cells covering the endoluminal layer of the neointima remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the origin of neointima-forming cells after cell-tracer injection in the already well-established Helsinki rat microsurgical sidewall aneurysm model. Sidewall aneurysms were created by suturing decellularized or vital arterial pouches end-to-side to the aorta in male Lewis rats. Before arteriotomy with aneurysm suture, a cell-tracer injection containing CM-Dil dye was performed into the clamped aorta to label endothelial cells in the adjacent vessel and track their proliferation during follow-up (FU). Treatment followed by coiling (n = 16) or stenting (n = 15). At FU (7 days or 21 days), all rats underwent fluorescence angiography, followed by aneurysm harvesting and macroscopic and histological evaluation with immunohistological cell counts for specific regions of interest. None of the 31 aneurysms had ruptured upon follow-up. Four animals died prematurely. Macroscopically residual perfusion was observed in 75.0% coiled and 7.0% of stented rats. The amount of cell-tracer-positive cells was significantly elevated in decellularized stented compared to coiled aneurysms with respect to thrombus on day 7 (p = 0.01) and neointima on day 21 (p = 0.04). No significant differences were found in thrombus or neointima in vital aneurysms. These findings confirm worse healing patterns in coiled compared to stented aneurysms. Neointima formation seems particularly dependent on the parent artery in decellularized aneurysms, whereas it is supported by the recruitment from aneurysm wall cells in vital cell-rich walls. In terms of translation, stent treatment might be more appropriate for highly degenerated aneurysms, whereas coiling alone might be adequate for aneurysms with mostly healthy vessel walls.

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