
A proof of concept that a 3-D printer and 3-D scanner can create geometrically and dosimetrically accurate bolus material used in radiotherapy treatment to skin and superficial tumours. The eventual goal was to develop a process which may be implemented clinically in the future. The project used a 3D scanner instead of CT images in an effort to reduce the cumulative dose to the patient. The areas focused on were the nose and ear regions. A humanoid phantom and real people were used as models. Tests were done to compare 3D printed bolus with commonly used bolus materials regarding their dosimetric and physical properties. Accurate solid noses and ears were printed which would be suitable for moulds. Two hollow noses were printed. These were not perfectly formed boluses due to software restrictions but showed good promise that bolus can be 3D printed directly using a 3D scanner. One 3D printing material showed particular promise in its suitability for bolus material.

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