
Palmyra palm (BorassusflabelliferL.), is one of the palm trees highly associated with farmers in agro-forestry system in Indonesia. About 28,068 farmers cultivated 9,355 hectares of palmyra palm in East Java, Indonesia. Two regions which have highest palmyra palm in East Java are Sumenep in Madura islands and Tuban in East java mainland with production areas of about 5,535.70and 1,832.45 hectares respectively. Pasuruan has special and well-known fresh palmyra palm sap, but there is scarcity of data on the number of plants or areas planted. However, development of industries at the area has displaced a large number of palmyras due to land use change.Field surveys were carried out at Gunungsari village, Beji district in Pasuruan, a single village of palmyra in Pasuruan; in the districtsofSemanding and Palang in Tuban, and three districts,Pragaan, Lenteng, and Dungkek in Sumenep. One or two villages in Tuban and Sumenep were selected based on information from local official governments. A total of 180 palmyra farmers comprising of 30 farmers from each study district were interviewed. The interview solicited several information including the use of palmyra plant parts such as leaves, fruits, sap, trunks and other parts. Results of the study showed that there were several differences in the uses of palmyra palm plant parts across three regions in East Java. Uses of leaves, fruits, sap, trunks and other parts of palmyra palm varied in each region both on the type of use and on the percentage of each use. The differences maybe as a result of different cultural characteristics of regions and populations studied. For instance, farmers in Pasuruan and Tubanuse almost all plant parts just like those in East java mainland, and both regions have massive industrial development. Farmers in Sumenep, Maduradifferedmostlyin their use of almost all parts of palmyra plant, especially leaves and sap. Leaves and sap appeared as most used parts in the three regions and have more commercial value than other parts. Uses of plant parts as traditional medicine and processed fruits seemed comparatively low in all the three regions. Based on the differences in characteristics of the utilization of plant parts in three regions of East Java, it appears that Pasuruan is superior in fresh sap; Tuban in fresh fruits and Sumenep Madura with jaggery and palmyra leaf weaving products and raw leaves.

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