
This study is based on mobile-assisted language learning APPs and specifically focuses on users’ stickiness to them. Several popular vocabulary learning mobile APPs in China are chosen for the study: Baicizhan, Shanbei, Kaixincichang, Zhimi, etc. The participants for the study are from three different age groups: 19 junior high students, 22 senior high students and 33 college students. The survey results indicate that the users’ stickiness to the APPs declines with age growing. Major reasons for stopping using the APPs are: the lack of intrinsic motivation, no interests after using it for a period of time, no time for it, easily forgetting about it. Three suggestions to optimize the vocabulary learning mobile APPs and to help users learn efficiently and wisely are proposed: offering a highly matched task-based reading plan for vocabulary leaning; recommending a personalized learning group for learners of similar language proficiency to join; developing specific course book-oriented vocabulary learning functions to coordinate with in-class teaching.

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