
This article seeks to trace the convergences between the sub-areas/disciplines of user studies, mediation of information and information literacy aimed at the contexts of social vulnerability, seeking to present more holistic views that contribute to the discussions of the area and for the development of social, digital and cultural protagonism of unfortunate groups. In this sense, the methodological procedures were established through the ends as a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, seeking to discuss the theoretical-conceptual assumptions and the possible dialogues among the themes brought. Also, the study is classified as bibliographic, since it used reading, analysis and interpretation of concepts and theories about the themes brought up, seeking to present such assumptions and dialogues around the bias of the social perspective of Information Science. As a result of the discussion, it is understood that user studies, mediation of information and information literacy can be considered interference actions, as they are concerned with the understanding and training of critical and reflective citizens in the face of socio-informational realities. The set of these actions consolidates an investigative posture of both the one who teaches as well the apprentice, as it allows empowerment and emancipation in the tangle of available information.

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