
Cloud storage is the technical boon which has become the realm of many companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Drop box and many more. Remarkably all these companies are US based and thus eventually the personal data of every other nation is stacked on the Western companies. This leads the dependant country to a state of vulnerable. However if the dependant countries need to get autonomy they had to be provided with their own cloud storage which is impossible with the current mechanisms. With the facility of high computational devices and wide infrastructure and with the aid of secured encryption the cloud storage providers strongly protect the data of the users and enable their best service to the users. Also the cloud storage providers use the encryption algorithm in the provider infrastructure and data from user to provider infrastructure is done using the secured transmission. Finally the powerful infrastructure does the work to secure the data. This mechanism is certainly possible in the developed countries. But it is relatively impossible in the developing countries like India as it cannot afford the huge infrastructure to protect the public data. Even done, it might not result in generating profit because the subscription rate is comparatively lower in India than in developed countries. So to pursue the less profitable module is not suggestive and hence the reliability on western country cloud storage is over whelming. However to overcome this set back and to implement indigenous cloud storage this paper has attempted to implement the UK algorithm in user device environment through which mini and micro level cloud storage shall be developed resulting in the minimal cost of maintaining the cloud storage. In this case, cloud Storage provider do not need to have either the huge infrastructure nor the computational devices to process the data and no need of separate data transmission to secure the data as well. Employing the encryption algorithm in user environment helps to give full authority to the user on their data. The CS provider holds only encrypted data of the user and with low cost consumption this method is feasible even for the developing country like India.

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