
Mobile application providing access to some Online Social Network (OSN) services like Facebook and Twitter had been launch bundled with a data access subscription plan. At the end of 2010, the user of the application increased significantly to more than two millions subscribers while the number of active users grew slowly for only about 300.000 users per month. This research was conducted to see how the user use the OSN application. This research utilized the data collected from user's profile, transaction log and activity log from the service provider. The result was then analyzed using descriptive statistics to discover the pattern of user's behavior of the mobile online social network application. Authors found that user's behavior of mobile online social network service was almost the same as other online social network service users but with special characteristics since mobile users tend to have close session-tosession interval and might have longer session duration. This study will give the service provider recommendation to define better strategy for future development and improvement. The result can also be a reference for another similar research on mobile online social network application in the future.

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