
In this study, we assessed the effects of inorganic and organic pollutants [As, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, PAHs (11 compounds) and total phenols] from a panel of biomarkers [O2, H2O2, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), carbonyl proteins (RCO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and total cytochrome P450 activities] evaluated in the Snout Scraping (SS), Serum (S) and Peripheral Blood Cells (PBC) of the Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) inhabiting the reference locality (Lake Mocu) and polluted locality (Champoton River) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In male crocodiles from the reference site, only H2O2 in PBC was related to levels of fluoranthene on the Keel of Caudal Scales (KCS), but, in females, no association was detected. In contrast, a sex-linked response was detected in specimens from the polluted locality. Levels of benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, pyrene, phenanthrene, acenaphthene, Zn, Cu, and Pb in KCS of the female crocodil were related to the oxidative stress biomarkers on PBC, incluing the total CYP450 activity and levels of O2, H2O2 in serum. However, in male crocodiles, the oxidative stress in SS and in the serum (TBARS, RCO, CAT, GPx), and SOD in PBC was related to As, Pb, Cu, Fe, and benzo[a]pyrene water concentrations and to the burdens of As, Fe, Mn, indeno[1,2,3cd]pyrene in KCS. These results confirm the usefulness of minimal or non-invasive methods of evaluating the oxidative stress response for the environmental monitoring program on the wild Morelet's crocodile that is subject to special protection in Mexican guidelines.

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