
To make available a larger supply of L. I.∗ antigen for clinical and laboratory investigations than could be obtained by the method of Frei,1 and completely to eliminate the possibility of an occasional false positive intradermal reaction with the use of human material for antigen, we have produced experimental meningo-encephalitis in white mice and monkeys with the virus of lymphogranuloma inguinale, after the method of Hellerstrom2 and of Levaditi3 and his coworkers. The diluted sterilized brain emulsions of both white mice and monkeys (marmosets) have consistently given intradermal reactions, comparable to those obtained with antigens prepared from acute L.I. inguinal buboes after the method of Frei.The original source of the virus is pus from an acute inguinal bubo in a patient with a positive Frei reaction. The excised lymph nodes must present the characteristic histologic changes of L.I. The lymph gland emulsion may be used in the event that little or no free pus is available. With the finely divide...

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