
AbstractKey components of a digital forestry program (digital tools, databases, and decision-support systems) can be of great importance in the management of forests today. A general lack of knowledge of the needs of forest managers and landowners for components of digital forestry has been hypothesized. A survey regarding digital forestry tools was conducted of registered foresters from five USA states (Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, and North Carolina). Registered foresters may be private landowners or those working for organizations that meet the requirements for licensure in a state. Of the registered foresters who identified as nonindustrial private landowners, roughly half currently do not use digital technologies for forest management efforts. Of the registered foresters who identified as employees of forestry organizations, about 80% use digital technology in the management of their organization’s forests. Geographic information systems technology was the most important, followed by inventory systems, databases, and field-ready smartphone applications. Those registered foresters who had not used digital technologies in the past suggested that their usefulness for the management of their property and their lack of awareness of potential options were likely reasons for not using digital technologies.Study Implications: From surveying five eastern states in the United States, we found that forest landowners are not current users of technology, whereas those associated with forest organizations are more apt to use technologies when managing their forests. Desirable technologies used by both private landowners and forestry organizations include geographic information systems and smartphone applications, whereas those working for forestry organizations also desired inventory systems and databases. Current technology gaps were also identified.

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