
Family companies can generally run well and are strengthened by family members who are very loyal and highly loyal to the family-owned company. However, problems often occur in managing family companies, especially regarding changing leadership. Conflicts often arise between family interests and company interests. Therefore, even though family companies are simpler than general companies, determining a company that the family will run must still be done through a clear and concrete process, namely by carrying out a Business Planning process, which starts with a Feasibility Study. Business. The main goal of millennium development or millennium development goals (MDGs) in Indonesia, with the priority of poverty alleviation, is to reduce the proportion of poor people to half or 8.2% of the total population by 2015. One way to alleviate poverty is that the government suggests that entrepreneurial activities in Indonesian society be developed by considering the potential of local communities. The type of business that is currently developing is the used goods business sector. West Jakarta has a vision for the West Jakarta Administrative City to become a comfortable and prosperous service city. The mission is to build good governance to create cultural tourism, service, and historical cities. Moreover, the quality of the urban environment is sustainably and empowering the community by developing values, norms, and social institutions to improve the quality of community services.

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