
Telagah is one of the village located in Sei Binge Subdistrict, Langkat District, North Sumatra Province with coordinate 03 18 43.26” North and latitude 98 23 47.70” East Longitude. The area of Telagah village reaches 53.38 km with a height of the place reaches 823.7m above sea level. The beauty of nature with cool air through the seasons is a magnet for nature and adventures visitors because this is the ‘home’ to see how the ecosystem is extraordinary. The tour starts from a phenomenal matchmaking view, Adem Peak in Perteguhan Hamlet with coffee plantations of farmers in the middle of a wild forest so exotic, stunning and challenging. Otherwise, use of Yellow Sticky Trap (YST) catches 6 pests, such as: Hypothenemus hampeii, Xylosandrus compactus, Coccus viridis, Pseudococcus citri, Zeuzera coffeae and Sanurus indecora, while used by ethanol and methanol attractant showed variances of trapped pests. The Coffee Expert (Pakar Kopi) recorded 6 pests, 5 diseases and 28 symptoms for detecting pests and diseases in agricultural and plantation crop commodities are very helpful for human work and farmers in the future.

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