
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament is one of the two ligaments inside the middle section of the knee joint that forms an “X” shape. Its main function is to prevent the tibia from sliding forward relative to the femur. The ACL also assists with preventing excessive knee extension, knee varus and valgus movements, and tibial rotation. Kinect works in almost all room lighting conditions and can simultaneously track two active users. For full-body, head-to-feet tracking, the recommended user distance from the sensor is approximately 1.8 m for a single user; when two people are to track simultaneously, they should stand approximately 2.5 m away from the device. Kinect requires a minimum user height of 1 m. With the players themselves becoming the ‘game controller’ via their body movements and gestures, Kinect-enabled game titles lend themselves comfortably to the class of exergames (‘exercise games’), although the amount of physical activity involved and calories burned can vary significantly from title to title Materials and method: Twenty-six participated in the study. These subjects were divided into two groups, 13 subjects in each. Group A was administrated with the traditional training, and Group B was administrated with the X BOX Kinect training. Results: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of subjects aged (18-25) between Group A (Traditional Training) and Group B (X box Kinect 360 Training). The mean age of Group A was 20.7143±1.98278, and Group Bs was 20.6571±2.21711, respectively. The paired t-test value was 15.728. There was no significant difference between age groups. But in both Kujala score and muscle girth scores with p-value <0.001** (i.e., p <0.05 at 95 % confidence interval), the pre and post-values of Kujala score and muscle girth were statistically significant. Conclusion: Comparing traditional treatments with or without adding extra Kinect 360 training sessions would be very interesting, being that it may be a good addition to the treatment for post-operative ACL rehab, ACL sprains conservative management, and maintaining Knee joint fitness when sports players in a home without exposure of COVID -19. KEYWORDS: Xbox Kinect-360, ACL Sprain, Home-Based Exercises, Kujala Scale, COVID-19, Remote Rehabilitation.

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