
Intensive energy development activity in the Powder River basin area of eastern Wyoming has placed heavy demands on the limited water resources of the state. Water cannot be obtained from streams, rivers, or shallow wells to support coal-slurry pipelines, coal gasification, shale retorting, or even in many places enlarged municipal water systems. The U.S. Geological Survey is, therefore, promoting the water resource potential of the Madison Group and Red River Formation. Such water is to be produced from depths of 2,500 to 7,500 ft (762 to 2,286 m) to supply some of the needs cited. Because deep water wells are expensive, and Madison-Red River productivity varies drastically throughout the area, it is highly desirable to select drilling sites with a high probability of good water production. The exploration seismograph is a promising tool to aid in site selection. The object of the investigation was to determine under what conditions the exploration seismograph can be used to detect porosity development at depth in the horizons of interest, an application which also has obvious significance to the petroleum industry. In-situ measurements of the acoustic properties of the Madison-Red River interval have been made using vertical seismic profiles in several wells. Surface seismic profiles were then run over the wells in which vertical seismic profiles had been made. The combination of these results, together with well log data and regional geologic subsurface studies, give one considerable insight into the problem of exploring for commercial quantities of water at depth. End_of_Article - Last_Page 894------------

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