
Abstract Potatoes were planted on 11 April at the Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Painter, VA. Each plot consisted of a single 25 ft row with a 3 ft row spacing, bordered on each side by an untreated guard row, and replicated four times in a randomized, complete block design. DiSyston 15G treatments were applied to the plots indicated in the table pre-planting in the furrow using a hand-held shaker. Foliar sprays were applied using a 3 hollow cone nozzle boom backpack sprayer delivering 60 gal water/acre at 40 psi on the following dates: 23 May; 2, 10 and 21 Jun. Fipronil 80W at 0.064 lb (AI)/acre was substituted for Novodor and Kryocide on 21 Jun to control emerging first generation CPB adults. Evaluation criteria consisted of counts of all CPB life stages present on 5 random stems/plot on 9 and 15 Jun, and counts of the total number of PLH nymphs on 10 leaves/plot on 15 Jun. For CPB, only data for large larvae is reported in the table as the numbers of the other life stages were too low to be significant. Percent defoliation was rated on 16 Jun and the plots were harvested and graded on 19 Jul.

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