
Introduction Onset as a result of use of new synthetic drugs of behavioral disorders accompanied by disorders of perception, consciousness and aggression is the basic reason for seeking specialized help. Objective to compare efficiency of Haloperidol and Clopixol-Acuphase (zuclopenthixol acetate) in therapy of acute psychotic disorders caused by use synthetic cannabinoids. Material and Methods 72 patients (mean age 23,7±2,4) admitted with acute psychotic disorders due to use of synthetic cannabinoids were examined. In the course of investigation patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (n=37) with haloperidol for stopping of psychotic disorders, group 2 (n=35) with Clopixol-Acuphase. Detoxification and metabolic therapy were administered. Results The carried-out analysis showed that when using the typical neuroleptic haloperidol in patients of group 1 the reduction of psychomotor excitement passed for 8±2,5 hours; stopping of hallucinatory manifestations was observed after 48±12,0 hours; in the same period there was Self-identification restoration (who had such disturbance), orientation was restored for 72±8 hours; delusional disorders disappeared after 3-5 days. When using Clopixol-Acuphase psychomotor excitement was reduced after 4±1,5 hours, stopping of hallucinatory disorders occurred at the same time with Self-identification restoration in average after 36±8 hours, orientation in place and time was restored for 48±12 hours, delusional disorders disappeared within 72 hours. Discussion The assessment of efficiency of therapy of acute psychoses caused by use of new synthetic cannabinoids showed that use of Clopixol-Acuphase allows to cope quicker with psychomotor excitement and hallucinatory disorders which represent a substantial danger to the patient and people around.

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