
The relation of the vertical stratigraphic succession to areal depositional patterns was first observed by Johannes Walther and is known as Walther's Law of Facies. Each depositional unit in a vertical stratigraphic succession is the result of a particular sedimentary environment. When these units are compiled vertically, they represent a sequence of environments characteristic of a specific over-all sedimentary process such as regression or transgression. These environmental successions are definite and recognizable and may be used to define over-all sedimentary processes in ancient rocks. Therefore, environmental sequences provide a reference framework for interpreting the sedimentary history of any stratigraphic section. Only a limited number of specific vertical sequences has been found in a comparative study of Recent and ancient sediments. The following sequences have been developed into models of sedimentation. Regressive Marine c. Marine shale or lagoonal deposits b. Thin-bedded sand/silt and shale a. Poorly bedded shale Lowermost units are deposited below wave base; higher units close to sea-level. Fluvial (channel or valley-fill sequence) d. Ripple cross-laminated zone c. Laminated, even-bedded sand/silt zone b. Festoon cross-bedded zone a. Basal conglomeratic bedload zone Deltaic Sequences Regressive marine sequences overlain by nearshore fluvial, bay, and marsh deposits; characterized by extensive marine deposits and variable non-marine sediment distribution patterns. Transgressive Marine b. Marine shales or fragmental limestones a. Sand or silt Widespread distribution and thinness are diagnostic; basal unit abruptly overlies shale in many instances; gradation upward into marine shale is rapid. Bathyal-Abyssal Sediments Widely distributed, thin-bedded; fauna and sedimentary structures characteristic of deeper water. Lacustrine Sediments Resembles regressive marine sequences, but is developed on a smaller scale and lacks marine fauna. End_of_Article - Last_Page 374------------

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