
Aim. To analyze the genetic structure of the Holstein and Simmental breeding bulls from various breeding stock-rearing farms of Ukraine by polymorphisms of kappa-casein, β-lactoglobulin, growth hormone, leptin, pituitary-specifi c transcription factor, myostatin loci genes. Methods. Individual genotypes of the animals were determined using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by determination of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP analysis). Results. A complex model genotype for increasing milk yield of the animals of the Ukrainian Black and White Dairy breed – κ-Cn АВ , βLG АВ , GH LV , Pit-1 АА , LEP АА , butterfat content – κ-Cn АВ , βLG АВ , GH VV , Pit-1 АА , LEP BB/AB ; Ukrainian Red and White Dairy breed – Cn АА , βLG АА , GH L , PIt-1 AB and κ-Cn AA , βLG AB , GH LV , Pit-1 AB ; Simmental breed – κ-Cn ВВ , βLG ВВ , GH LL , LEP AB and κ-Cn ВВ , βLG ВВ , GH LV , LEP AA was determined respectively. Genetic certifi cation of the breeding bulls of 25 various breeds on standard microsatellite panels (ВМ1824, ВМ2113, INRA023, SPS115, TGLA122, TGLA126, TGLA227, ETH10, ETH225, ETH3) was held for their biological material long-term storage rationale in the National Bank of Genetic Resources. Conclusions. Comprehensive monitoring of cattle breeding resources predetermines the implementation of genetic examination of the breeding animals’ origin according to ISAG international guidelines in Ukraine. This will determine the specifi c type or breed gene pool as a whole, also characterize the vector of micro-evolutionary processes in the populations of animals and allow to solve other breeding and genetic problems.

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