
Fat from meat, dairy, and egg products was extracted by using Microwave-Assisted Process (MAP) technology under atmospheric pressure conditions. Fat content was determined gravimetrically after extraction with microwaves and organic solvents that are transparent to microwaves relative to the sample. (In situ hydrolysis was performed for dairy and egg products.) Fat from the food sample migrated completely to the extractant when samples were irradiated with focused microwave for a total of 3 min for meat products, 1 min for dairy products, and 4 min for egg products. Unlike current methods used for determining fat in meat products, the microwave-assisted method does not require a dry sample, because moisture in the sample (around 75%) enhances the efficiency of extraction. No preprocessing was required for meat samples other than homogenization, which is critical, as it is for other current methods. In addition to speed and ease of use, the features of this technology are low solvent consumption, low energy consumption, reproducibility, and recoveries similar to or even better than those of conventional extraction methods.

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