
To evaluate the effectiveness of the contraceptive implant and the 52-mg hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) in women using the method beyond the current U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved duration of 3 and 5 years, respectively. Women willing to continue using their implant or 52-mg levonorgestrel IUD beyond the FDA-approved duration were followed prospectively for contraceptive effectiveness. Unintended pregnancy rate per 100 women-years was calculated. Implant users are offered periodic venipuncture for analysis of serum etonogestrel levels. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the etonogestrel levels across body mass index (BMI) groups. Implant users (n=237) have contributed 229.4 women-years of follow-up, with 123 using the etonogestrel implant for 4 years and 34 using it for 5 years. Zero pregnancies have been documented, for a failure rate of 0 (one-sided 97.5% confidence interval [CI] 0-1.61) per 100 women-years. Among 263 levonorgestrel IUD users, 197.7 women-years of follow-up have been completed. One pregnancy was confirmed, for a failure rate of 0.51 (95% CI 0.01-2.82) per 100 women-years. Among implant users with serum etonogestrel results, the median and range of etonogestrel level at 3 years of use was 188.8 pg/mL (range 63.8-802.6 pg/mL) and 177.0 pg/mL (67.9-470.5 pg/mL) at 4 years of use. Etonogestrel levels did not differ by BMI at either time point (3 years: P=.79; 4 years: P=.47). Preliminary findings indicate the contraceptive implant and 52-mg hormonal IUD continue to be highly effective for an additional year beyond the FDA-approved 3 and 5 years. Serum etonogestrel levels indicate the implant contains adequate hormone for ovulation suppression at the end of both 3 and 4 years of use. II.

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