
Experience of treating patients with the use of the ATU-3 aerotherapeutic device showed that with its use sufficient protection of the wound from in-hospital infection is achieved; intoxication of the burn patient is reduced; the level of bacterial contamination of the wounds is reduced at earlier times than with the bandaging method; residence of the burn surface in a practically sterile environment with a flow of warm air leads to a reduction of water and protein losses by the patient; the pain syndrome goes away in 8–18 h; the percent of invalidism and complications in the case of severe burns and traumas decreases; the consumption of anti-biotics and anesthetics is substantially reduced, the elimination of dressings promotes preservation of the integrity of the cell membanes and reduction of the consumption of dressing materials and creates psychoemotional calm for the patients; the total time of stay of the patients at the hospital for treatment in comparison with the traditional (bandaging) method is shortened on average by 1.5–2 times.

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