
Scientific publication is a pillar that gauges the human intellectual capital of countries in the global innovation index. This paper presents the effectiveness of using technology-based tools in ensuring the quality of articles for journal publication. It employed a pre-and post-test research design to determine the effectiveness of online technology-based tools before and after the intervention. It employed a descriptive presentation of the different online technology tools used in the 21 specimens of faculty research written in publishable article formats. It examined the quality of references, level of readability, writing quality, originality, and grammar of the papers before and after the review process and interventions. The study highlighted that using the online tools improved the quality of the documents on grammar and lexical rate, similarity index, readability index, number of references, number of correct bibliographic entries for submission in high impact journals. A higher level of a cleansing process using online technology tools ensures the quality of publishable articles. Implications of this study will facilitate the academic community's journal article writing skill to effectively disseminate research studies results with higher chances of being accepted in respected global databases to contribute to knowledge generation and development of the country.

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