
Streptomycin sulfate has been known to be ototoxic since its use in the treatment of tuberculosis. This report describes 10 years of experience in the treatment of Meniere's disease with streptomycin. Streptomycin has been used in classical Schuknecht ablation of the vestibular system in bilateral Meniere's disease; classical Schuknecht ablation of the vestibular system in unilateral Meniere's disease in the only hearing ear; intratympanic streptomycin in the treatment of unilateral Meniere's disease; and low-dose intramuscular streptomycin as outpatient treatment in unilateral Meniere's disease. The results of bilateral vestibular ablation were similar to Schuknecht's and others. Patients developed profound ataxia with a wide-based gait and oscillopsia, which improved rapidly over a period of months. Approximately 30% experienced significant improvement in hearing, which usually deteriorated again after several months. All patients were relieved of vertigo. Patients with unilateral Meniere's disease in the only hearing ear responded as did the bilateral cases. Hearing in the only hearing ear was preserved in all cases. Low-dose subototoxic streptomycin as outpatient treatment offers promise in some cases for relieving attacks of Meniere's disease while improving hearing without producing the temporary disabling effects of ataxia and oscillopsia. Streptomycin and similar drugs that may reduce the production of endolymph may eventually be the treatment of choice in Meniere's disease.

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