
The research highlights current aspects of the institute of special knowledge in the detection and investigation of felonies. Based on a thorough analysis of the views of prominent forensic scientists, based on current legislation, the concepts of special knowledge, forms and types of their use. Given the different professional competencies, the concept of special knowledge of an expert and a specialist is considered separately. Among the typical forms of use of special knowledge, attention is focused on those that are essential for the investigation of serious crimes, adhering to their classification into procedural and non-procedural. It is emphasized that one form of use of special knowledge passes into another, in particular, after forensic examinations, an audit is performed. Appointment and conduct of forensic examinations are covered depending on the type of serious crime (mercenary-violent, economic, etc.). Attention is paid to the choice of expert institution, the sequence of appointment and conduct of comprehensive forensic examinations. Some issues of specialist participation in the conduct of investigative (search) actions and measures of criminal proceedings are considered. The need for professional assistance during the inspection, search, investigative experiment, temporary access to things and documents at the preparatory stage, to record the progress of the investigative action, to work with traces and other evidence, during the evaluation of the results of the investigative action. The involvement of a psychologist as a consultant or specialist to compile a search psychological portrait of a criminal is considered. The significant role of departmental inspections in the investigation of serious crimes in the economic and financial spheres has been noted. Attention is paid to the expediency of involving a group or «team» of various specialists to participate in investigative (search) actions, the use of innovative technical developments for forensic purposes. Examples of practical activities and interview data of practical staff are given.

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