
The main objective of this study is to produce a geometrically corrected physiographic-soil map scale 1:50.000 reduced to the attached map scale 1:250.000 for the studied area as a base for optimum land use and its crop water requirements in Wadi El Natrun Depression. To fulfill this objective, eight soil profiles were chosen to represent the different mapping units. Morphological description was carried out and soil samples collected for physical and chemical analysis. The physiographic-soil map was produced based on the aerial photo-interpretation, land surveying, geographic information system, and laboratory analyses data. Where the aerial photographs were acquired in 1991, a recent Landsat ETM+image of the study area acquired during the year 2009 was used for updating the landform units. The obtained data reveal that the main landforms in the depression include flat sand sheet (6.82%), gently undulating sand sheet (30.31%), almost flat sand sheet (4.95%), undulating sand sheet (17.31%), undulating sand ripples (13.13%), undulating sandy gravel plain (20.23%), and wet sabkha (7.26%). The main land qualities of the different mapping units and the crop requirement were rated and matched to obtain the current and potential land suitability using automated land Evaluation system “ALES”. Then, the crop water requirements were calculated by using (Crop wat 4.2) program. The crop water requirements of Clover, Wheat, Beans, Sugar beet, Onion, Maize, Sunflower, Tomato, and Groundnut are 659.70, 482.40, 320.00, 534.60, 327.42, 569.50, 606.40, 751.20, and 453.10 mm, respectively.

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