
Consecutive receiving studies were used to evaluate the replacement of starch (dry rolled corn; DRC) with a nonforage fiber source (soybean hulls; SBH) on performance, mineral, and blood metabolite status of newly arrived feedlot steer calves. Steers in yr 1 (Y1; 9 pens/diet, 8 to 10 animals/pen) and yr 2 (Y2; 6 pens/diet, 9 to 10 animals/pen) were blocked by weaning management, and then stratified by BW and randomly assigned to pens. Pens were randomly assigned to an oat silage-based diet containing starch (HS) from DRC or digestible fiber (HF) from SBH. Diets were formulated for 12% CP (DM basis) and to meet or exceed NRC (1996) nutrient requirements for Ca, P, and vitamins A and E. Mineral status was assessed in Y1 only via liver biopsies and serum samples collected on d 3 and 28. Mineral concentrations on d 28 were compared using d 3 concentrations as a covariate. Glucose, NEFA, and plasma urea N status were assessed in Y2 only via blood collections on d 0, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 59. Morbidity (<10%) and mortality rates were not different (P > 0.10) between treatments across years. Daily BW gain was similar (P > 0.10) between treatments both during the receiving period and cumulatively across years. Overall, feed intake was greater (P = 0.007) for steers fed HF compared with steers fed HS in Y1, but was not different in Y2 (P = 0.13). Steers consuming the HS diet tended (P = 0.07) to have better BW gain efficiency in Y1 only. Across years, BW gain efficiency and ADG were similar between treatments (P > 0.10), although DMI was greater for steers fed HF (P = 0.003). Based on 2 yr of performance, the calculated ME content of SBH was estimated at 92.5% of the ME value of DRC (2.74 vs. 2.96 Mcal/kg, respectively). Mineral concentrations on d 28 were similar (P > 0.10) for most minerals assayed. There was a steeper (P = 0.005) decline in hepatic Cu concentrations early in the feeding period for steers fed HF, resulting in decreased (P = 0.001) d 28 hepatic concentrations. Hepatic Mn was greater (P = 0.003) in steers fed HF on d 28 as a result of greater (P = 0.006) Mn accumulation during the initial 28 d on feed. Blood metabolites in Y2 (using d 0 values as a covariate) were similar (P > 0.10) across treatments, except for reduced (P = 0.025) plasma urea N concentrations on d 7 and greater (P = 0.050) NEFA concentrations on d 28 for steers fed HS. These studies indicate that the use of SBH in receiving diets can support BW gain similar to the use of DRC.

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