
The article considers methods of analysis of criminological significant information, which are used in modern criminological science. Based on the analytical study, it was concluded that at the current stage of the development of criminological science, regression (as a type of mathematical method), factor (causal), and monitoring criminological analysis are most often used. These methods of criminological analysis were analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages were determined, their recommendations for their application in criminological science were given. It was established that the use of regression analysis is not found in many criminological studies, but today this direction has been updated due to the increase in crime rates both in Ukraine and in the world. However, in criminology, this direction is now one of the promising in the formation of crime prevention measures. It has been proved that most often this type of criminological analysis is used as monitoring. It is quite often used in criminological research by analyzing statistical reporting, which is publicly available to law enforcement agencies (in particular, on the official website of the Office of the Prosecutor General). In this regard, science identifies types of monitoring analysis, which is most often used in our country.

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