
Epileptic seizures result from abnormal neuronal excitability and synchronization, affecting 0.5-1% of the population worldwide. Although anti-seizure drugs are often effective, a significant number of patients with epilepsy continue to experience refractory seizures and are candidates for surgical resection. Whereas standard presurgical evaluation has relied on intracranial electroencephalography (icEEG) and direct cortical stimulation to identify epileptogenic tissue and areas of cortex for which resection would produce clinical deficits, the invasive nature and limited spatial extent of icEEG has led to the investigation of less invasive imaging modalities as adjunctive tools in the presurgical workup. In the past few decades, functional connectivity MRI has emerged as a promising approach for presurgical mapping, leading to a surge in the number of proposed methods and biomarkers for identifying epileptogenic tissue. This review focuses on recent advances in the use of functional connectivity MRI toward its application for presurgical planning, including epilepsy localization and eloquent cortex mapping.

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