
In 2001, the first case of Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS) was reported in the Danish pig population. During subsequent years, the number of affected farms increased exponentially. The aim of this study was to determine how this increase influenced the use of antimicrobials between 2002 and 2004. We used national register data of herd characteristics, antimicrobial usage and disease occurrence. The analysis included data on antimicrobial usage in 3371 pig herds with weaners and 7434 pig herds with finishers, which accounted for 56 and 82% of the national amount of antimicrobials prescribed to weaners (prescribed by 347 practitioners) and finishers (prescribed by 522 practitioners), respectively. The estimation of the effect of PMWS was done by comparing the amount of antimicrobials (measured as Animal Defined Daily Doses (ADDkg) used per pig-day at risk each month in each herd) used in herds before and after an outbreak of PMWS, and by comparing the amount of antimicrobials used in herds experiencing PMWS with the amount of antimicrobials used in herds not experiencing PMWS. The effects were estimated in a three-level (veterinarian/herd/study-month) linear mixed regression model with an autoregressive correlation of order 1 ( AR1). We found that after a herd had experienced an outbreak of PMWS, the antimicrobial usage in weaners was increased for a year. During the first 3 months post outbreak the usage increased by 22%, followed by an increase of 7% during the next 4th to 12th month when compared to the pre-outbreak usage. There was a significant variation between herds in this effect. Additionally, in herds experiencing an outbreak of PMWS, the usage of antimicrobials before the outbreak was 37 and 19% higher in herds with weaners and finishers, respectively, compared to herds not experiencing PMWS. Generalisation of the results to the entire Danish pig population indicated that the increase of PMWS infected herds from almost zero to about 20% during a 4-year period resulted in a national increase of 4–5% in antimicrobials usage in weaners. The effect of PMWS on usage of antimicrobials in finishers was unclear.

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