
The rare earth metal salt (REMS) compounds which are non-toxic and inexpensive have been used successfully for the corrosion protection of commercial aluminum alloys as well as of mild steel. The resistance to localized corrosion of aluminum alloys such as Al 2024, Al 6061 and Al 7075 has been greatly improved by immersion in hot cerium salt solutions. Cerium oxides/hydroxides were formed at sites where intermetallic compounds containing copper were located and eliminated the formation of local cathodes. REMS solutions were also used for sealing of anodized layer on Al alloys replacing toxic chromates. In addition to increased corrosion resistance excellent paint adhesion was observed. Cerium nitrate and yttrium sulfate solutions produced the most satisfactory results. Cerium salts were also applied successfully as inhibitors and as pretreatment for the corrosion protection of carbon steel in hot NH3/water solutions used in absorption heat pumps. Factorial design experiments have been used to determine the optimum concentrations of CeCl3 and H2O2 as well as the treatment time used in the cerating process for mild steel. The corrosion protection provided by the cerated layer was further improved by cathodic polarization in cerium chloride. A dual corrosion protection strategy employing cerating and addition of a REMS to the working solution is expected to provide long-lasting corrosion protection of mild steel.

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