
High school students can be considered examples of individuals who suffer pressure from social dynamics, as they are inserted in exhausting academic and personal lives. From this, one of the solutions found to relieve such situations of physical and psychological exhaustion is the use of substances classified as psychoactive. However, many of these students who use these substances do not have the proper knowledge about the effects they cause on health, especially related with the quality of sleep. Therefore, this paper is justified by the importance that sleep has in studies, which, according to psychology, is in the processes of understanding, assimilation and memorization of what has been learned. The objective of the present research is to analyze, from a bibliographic point of view, the relationship between the consumption of psychoactive substances and the students' perception of the quality of their sleep, having as target public, the high school students from IFRS - Vacaria Campus. In this way, a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire was sent by Google Forms aiming at data collection and survey, with the purpose of observing the quantity and frequency that are used, in addition to the influence that they exert on the students’ quality of sleep. After analyzing the obtained data, it was possible to conclude that the use of psychoactive substances interferes students' sleep quality, and that the lack of information on the subject interferes with the perception of this physiological condition.

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