
UDK: 630*235: 632.95(497.6)
 Seedlings are produced by implementation of technical-technological procedures at specially prepared area which we call nurseries. With produced seedlings is additionally completed natural restoration of forests, forestation of bare lands, and plantations are established, melioration of degraded forest and brush-wood is conducted, eroded lands are repaired, etc. In the actual Registry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are registered 11 nurseries which produce forest and horticultural seedlings. In their production program dominant are three conifer tree species: Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) and Black pine (Pinus nigra). Seedlings of broadleaves tree species in total production participate with only 2%.
 In nurseries is implemented the concept of integral protection of plants in the form of program which is consisted of combination of agrotechnical, mechanical, physical, biological and chemical measures. Chemical measures are based on the use of pesticides in integral protection of plants. Pesticides are organic and non-organic chemical compounds, as well as the products of living organisms which are used in agriculture and forestry for prevention of occurrence, control and suppression of caused of plant diseases, pest and weed, as well as for protection of agricultural and food products.
 Main goal of this research was to identify the quantity indicators of use of pesticides in production of seedlings of forest trees in forest nurseries in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research has covered three nurseries in Zenica-Doboj Canton and three nurseries in Central-Bosnia Canton. The research is related to the period from 2007 to 2011.


  • Seedlings are produced by implementation of technical-technological procedures at specially prepared area which we call nurseries

  • Seedlings of broadleaves tree species in total production participate with only 2% (MEKIĆ ET AL., 2003; BALLIAN, 2000)

  • Main goal of nursery production is the production of quality seedlings which will meet the needs of the market with lowest possible mortality rate and acceptable production costs

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In cooperation with nursery personnel were collected the following data:. ̶ quantities of seedlings per main types of forest trees, ̶ quantities of used pesticides per chemicals prepared, andthe most important problems in protection of vitality and health of seedlings of forest trees. Based on the collected information on quantities of seedlings were identified total quantities of seedlings per groups of trees (conifers and broadleaves). By the insight into quantities and types of pesticide products were calculated total quantities of used a.i. per groups of pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides). Based on total quantities of a.i. and total quantity of seedlings were calculated average use of a.i. of particular groups of pesticides per 1000 seedlings, and after that their total use. Costs of procurement of pesticides were calculated based on quantities of used pesticide products and average prices per unit of product (kg or l). Production of seedlings in nurseries in the period from 2007 to 2011 was presented as a sum for all researched nurseries, per groups of trees, years of production and as average for analyzed period (Table 2). Presentation of mentioned quantities is obtained based on the records from researched nurseries

Conifers Broadleaves Total
Herbicide Fungicide Insecticide Total
Total seedlings
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