
Purpose: Being in close contact with the patients during the examination and various procedures, the Ophthalmologists are always at the increased risk of contracting the novel corona virus. The aim of the study was to assess the use of personal protective equipment and other safety measures among the Ophthalmologists in the outpatient departments and operation theatres during the COVID-19 pandemic and their compliance with the prescribed standard guidelines in place. As the outbreaks of new SARS-CoV-2 variants is on the rise, meticulous safety measures is the need of the hour to prevent contraction and transmission of the infection especially among Ophthalmologists who are in close contact while treating the patients. A questionnaire based study Methods: was conducted among the 150 practicing Ophthalmologists of selected medical college hospitals in Pondicherry and the results were analyzed. 150 Results: Ophthalmologists participated in the study. The most widely used PPE among Ophthalmologists in OPDs were N95 masks (n=138), slit lamp breath shield (137) and surgical gloves (114). General Ophthalmologists (n=17) were the maximum to be infected by the virus followed by retina specialists (n=5). 94% (n=14) participants were aware of standard guidelines issued by AIOS and AAO about the preferred practices during the COVID-19 pandemic and 40 participants admitted that they were unable to adhere to the guidelines due to various practical difficulties. Conclusion: This study shows that incidence of COVID among Ophthalmologists was significantly higher in those participants who did not use personal protective equipment and protective measures meticulously while handling the patients

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