
The article gives an interpretation of the concept of “non-formal education”; described its characteristics; the analysis of the basic social practices of the organization of non-formal education is presented. Under non-formal education we consider the form of the cognitive process that takes place in educational institutions or public organizations, clubs, circles, as well as during individual lessons with a tutor or coach, usually not accompanied by the issuance of a document; it is a spontaneous individual cognitive activity that accompanies the daily life of the individual and is purposeful. The real ratio of formal and non-formal education in modern institutional society is one of the key theoretical and practical problems. Also, non-formal education is characterized as a conscious, to some extent self-organized and regulated process of acquiring knowledge, focused on specific educational goals and needs. The process of obtaining non-formal education can also take place spontaneously, through individual assimilation of information, and is not necessarily accompanied by the issuance of a document on education. Realization of opportunities of non-formal education requires a new strategy of education, based on innovations, methods, forms of education, its organizational structure. The Internet contains a lot of sites, educational platforms and portals of an educational nature, which contain presentations and summaries of educational and extracurricular activities, didactic materials, articles on teaching and education. This is how free electronic platforms work, which provide free courses on various topics (Educational Era Studio; Prometheus Educational Platform; Vum Online Educational Platform), which promote the process of self-education of future teachers. The advantages of the non-formal education system are its mobility, flexibility in the context of global changes in education. Therefore, non-formal education is an important part of the functioning of the student community, helps its members to learn new social roles, promotes their development in selected areas of training.

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