
An integrated approach to the introduction of the latest educational technologies with the use of interactive forms of education in the electrical engineers and electromechanics preparation in a blended learning system is proposed. It has been proven that the use of simulation and game modeling, virtual laboratory workshops, case technologies in the study of the training course «Power Plants» will help to form professional competencies, help to understand the main directions and patterns of electrical energy at various types of power plants and help to understand ways to save fuel and energy resources, methods and ways of solving topical issues of energy supply in energy systems. An example of the use of methodological and software ensuring, pedagogical techniques and tools that will allow performing all types of load in the study of professional discipline by future specialists in the field of electrical engineering, electric power engineering and electromechanics is given. The research results can be used in the educational process in the formation of information and professional competencies of specialists in the field of electrical engineering, electric power engineering and electromechanics.

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