
In this paper, we describe the utility of microsatellite data and genetic pedigree information to guide the genetic management of two long-term conservation programs for endangered populations of salmon: Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, and inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar. Both programs are captive broodstock (live gene banking) programs for endangered populations of salmon. In order for these programs to be successful for recovery efforts, genetic change, including accumulation of inbreeding, loss of genetic variation, and adaptation to captivity, must be minimized. We provide an overview of each program, describe broodstock selection and pairing for spawning, and discuss how pedigree data are being used to evaluate different management practices. While there are inherent species and programmatic differences, both of these programs use widely accepted genetic conservation strategies (minimize mean kinship, reduce variance in family size, minimize inbreeding in the next generation, maintain large census and effective population size) to potentially mitigate some unintended side-effects associated with the rearing of small populations in captivity. These case studies highlight the benefits and practical limitations of applying these strategies in the genetic management of salmon, and may be used to inform other conservation programs.

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