
The article considers the step - by - step process of vocal work with students in the conditions of professional training of future teachers of music art in modern higher school. The author is convinced that the future teacher of music, as a bearer of national and world cultural traditions and artistic and aesthetic values, is called to play a unique role in the formation and development of artistic and aesthetic worldview of students, their spiritual culture, and understanding of beauty. A prominent place in this process belongs to the skill of performing vocal works by future teachers of music, which combines painstaking work on poetry and musical texts that form a single meaning of the work - its artistic image.Readers are offered an innovative author's technology of vocal master class, based on a dialogic strategy of communication between teacher and students and is a set of consistent artistic and pedagogical actions aimed at updating, modifying the content, organization, forms, and methods of vocal education, adapting the learning process to a new, high-quality productive level.The technology of the vocal master class is implemented according to the rules of intensive interactive interaction of participants due to improvisation, interpretation, a combination of already familiar forms and methods with the development of new techniques and techniques. In the process of conducting a master class, there is a collective integration of knowledge and skills, the experience of artistic and aesthetic perception of works of the vocal art, and their creative performance.The main task of the master class as a form of organization of the educational process is the presentation of the experience gained by the teacher, which determines a new, innovative system of organization of pedagogical actions of the master and participants of the art-pedagogical workshop.The technology of vocal master class should be considered as a process and result of students mastering a holistic system of psychological and pedagogical and specifically professional - methodological, theoretical and methodological knowledge, skills, elements of pedagogical, vocal and performing techniques that provide a high level of the professional activity of future music teachers. The step-by-step process of functioning of vocal master class considered in the article testifies to the orientation of pedagogical action of the teacher on system and rationality for the purpose of increase of skill of vocal and pedagogical activity of future teachers of music through the translation of effective mechanisms of own performing and pedagogical activity, and their acquisition of the necessary professional competencies.

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