
Exploring alternative feed sources that reduce rumen methane production while improving livestock productivity is of importance because of rising global temperatures. Colombia is exposed to extreme climate changes and the consequences of these periods of climate change are drought, erosion, salinization, floods, sedimentation and alteration of ecosystems. As a result, the livestock industry experiences significant losses due to damaged feed and reduction in productivity and reproductivity of agricultural animals. The objective of this work is to determine the global bioprospective potential of macroalgae as nutritional supplements for ruminants and their potential application in the Colombian Caribbean area. For this, a quantitative and longitudinal documentary research design was used. An exploratory bibliographical review was carried out to explain the interactions between the variables applying the PRISMA protocol. The analysis of the changes in production variables of the ruminants supplemented with macroalgae was carried out by comparing the data of the treatment groups with their respective control groups in cattle, goats and sheep. For cattle, data by algal phylum showed that brown and red macroalgae increased average daily weight gain. Data by phylum and family of algae associated with milk production showed a positive impact of dietary supplementation with macroalgae on milk production, particularly with green and red algae. In the present study, it has been confirmed that red macroalgae is the best option to produce feed supplements for ruminants because they increase milk and meat production and show a statistically significant reduction in enteric methane production in cattle. For the Colombian Caribbean region, the red algae families Gigartinaceae and Gracilariaceae are recommended to produce feed supplements for ruminants because of their high prevalence in the marine habitats.

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