
The search for new effective materials and techniques, combined with solving environmental and industrial safety problems, is one of the key issues of the modern construction industry. Foreign practices include attempts to use secondary raw materials and other material science innovations to reduce costs and solve environmental problems. Herein, the authors consider materials and techniques and provide the results of using a shotcrete mass developed by a local manufacturer in the refractory lining of Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works PJSC’s sintering plant No. 5 gas ducts. In 2018, the operational properties of the TMTSV brand shotcrete mass were studied first to confirm the performance of the material in the gas ducts of the new sintering plant No. 5, which showed satisfactory results. Due to the arrangement and operation of the refractory lining of the TMCV-grade shotcrete, the expected guaranteed life (2 years) declared by the manufacturer Ogneupor LLC has been partially ensured, but the lining requires repair. The authors conclude that the Ural’s raw material base potentially allows manufacturing highly resistant refractory materials and products; however, to improve the domestic coating, the optimal composition of the shotcrete mass and the shotcreting technique should be further studied. The authors also conclude that there are favorable conditions for the systemic arrangement of commercial manufacture of new thermal insulation materials using regional resources.

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