
Nowadays, technology is present in any human activity. In education a central problem is the large amount of educational resources available on the web, these resources need to be organized and evaluated for their best use in a specific way in order to be used by children with learning disabilities, this through user profiles that help an adequate delivery. Each of these children belongs to learning communities within an inclusive digital ecosystem that generates time optimization for the acquisition of basic math skills. This work aims to bring technology closer to improve the knowledge of children with learning disabilities in basic mathematics through the use of learning paths, which help to guide the teacher in the needs of children. A series of resources are proposed in an orderly and progressive manner that help to mitigate the problems presented according to the profile of each student, each of these learning paths are based on workflows in order to deliver resources through services. This paper presents a case study in an elementary school in Mexico and finally the results obtained from the evaluation of the case study.

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