
The treatment of critically ill patients relies upon a series of pathophysiological disorders arising in the present critical condition. Loss of circulatory volume is one in a series of disturbed mechanisms that require proper correction. Causes of circulatory volume loss, hemodynamic instability and inadequate tissue perfusion are different: in sepsis and burns due to the higher capillary permeability, in trauma because of massive bleeding, etc. Infusion solutions, crystalloids and colloids have their good and bad qualities, and therefore must be seen as agents with specific indications, contraindications and the recommended doses. Assessment of stage of the disease, the amount and type of solutions to be applied has an influence on the further course of the disease. After review of randomized studies and meta-analysis, comparing crystalloids and colloids, moderate difference in their efficacy but significant difference in their safety is observed. The high concentration of chloride ion in solutions is of great clinical importance. The possibility of iatrogenic renal failure, metabolic acidosis and coagulopathy requires caution when using synthetic colloids and isotonic saline solutions. Physiologically 'balanced' crystalloid solutions may be standard in the treatment of critically ill patients, while the role of colloids, especially Hydroxyethylstarch, is still unreliable.


  • Prirodni su albumin (5%, 20% i 25%) i plazma, a sintetski koloidi su želatini, dekstrani i hidroksietil starč (HES) rastvori

  • Humani albumini (4% i 5%) smatraju se referentnim koloidnim rastvorima, dok se 20% i 25% albumini najviše koriste u supstitucionoj terapiji hipoalbuminemije

  • Veći stepen supstitucije, molekul HES-a manje podleže dejstvu alfa-amilaze i duže ostaje u cirkulaciji

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Ana Cvetković[1], Nada Popović[2,3], Marina Stojanović[2,3] Ana Cvetković[1], Nada Popović[2,3], Marina Stojanović[2,3]. Kristaloidi i koloidi imaju svoje dobre i loše osobine i zato se moraju posmatrati kao lekovi sa svojim specifičnim indikacijama, kontraindikacijama i preporučenim dozama. Količine i vrste rastvora koji treba da se primeni ima uticaja na dalji tok bolesti. „balanced“ crystalloid solutions may be standard in the treatment of critically ill patients, while the role of colloids, especially Hydroxyethylstarch, is still unreliable. Ključne reči: infuzioni rastvori; kristaloidi; koloidi; Key words: infusion solutions; crystalloids; colloids; kritično oboleli critically ill. Narušena homeostaza telesnih tečnosti jedan je od poremećaja u nizu patofizioloških poremećaja koji postoje kod kritično obolelih. Količine i vrste rastvora koji treba da se primeni ima uticaja na dalji tok bolesti, uspostavljanje dobrog cirkulatornog volumena i optimalnu perfuziju organa.

Kristaloidni i koloidni rastvori
Neželjena dejstva kristaloida
Neželjena dejstva koloida
Doze i volumeni rastvora
Odnos kristaloida i koloida
Značaj kapilarnog tkiva i endotelnog glikokaliksa u dinamici fluida
Distribucija kristaloidnih rastvora
Distribucija koloidnih rastvora
Nadoknada tečnosti kod kritično obolelih
Nadoknada tečnosti kod pacijenata u sepsi
Nadoknada tečnosti kod neseptičnih pacijenata
Nadoknada tečnosti kod pacijenata sa opekotinama
Nadoknada tečnosti kod pacijenata sa teškom traumom
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