
AbstractExpansive clays feature high compressibility and large swelling-shrinkage potential, which may cause significant damage to the infrastructures, including pavements. This study investigates the potential use of industrial waste ash generated from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) as a more sustainable treatment method to treat expansive soils compared to the use of conventional coal fly ash. A series of tests was conducted to study the mechanical, durability, and environmental performance of the MSWI fly ash in comparison with the coal fly ash. The study reveals that the compressive strength and resilient modulus of 20% MSWI fly ash treated sample increased to 0.86 MPa and 213 MPa respectively, depicting an increase of 150% and 240% of the control clay specimen. Results also indicate that MSWI treated expansive clay shows better performance during the soaked California bearing ratio (CBR) testings, moisture susceptibility and cyclic wetting–drying tests compared to coal fly ash treated samples. Microlevel investigations reveal that the influence of cation exchange is more decisive in the MSWI-treated clays due to the presence of higher Ca2+ ions, during the early stages, and the influence of hydration is stronger at the later stage of stabilisation. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results show that gismondine, albite, calcite, portlandite, andradite, and ettringite are the main crystalline phases formed during the stabilization. Heavy metal concentrations after the stabilisation are within the allowable limit defined by state regulations. Applying MSWI fly ash as a ground treatment for expansive clays can reduce the consumption of natural resources, promoting a “zero landfill” policy.

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