
Treacherous driving conditions are a serious safety concern during the winter season. The development of icing on roadways and bridges is of particular concern. The use of sensors to detect the presence or potential of surface ice formation is essential to decrease crash frequency and severity. Ice detection sensors can be adopted in various applications to increase winter travel safety, such as in intelligent warnings systems (ITS). Sensors can also be integrated into systems that will automatically treat roadways with anti-icing chemicals when predetermined thresholds are met, as in the case of fixed automated spray technology (FAST). This paper presents a review study of the various sensor technologies utilized in the transportation industry and how their application increases the safety of traveling during winter weather events. The study found that sensor application is beneficial to Department of Transportation (DOT) agencies through the provision of a more holistic view of road conditions. It was also found that sensor technology can be used to positively influence driver behavior by increasing awareness, leading to reductions in both crash occurrence and severity. The future of sensor technology in the transportation field is also examined.

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