
In the Netherlands, as in other countries, the prevalence of long-term use of benzodiazepines is high. There was a high correlation between long-term use of benzodiazepines on the one hand and age and psychic condition on the other. The use was much higher in women than in men. Health problems were mentioned most (patient's view) as causing the use. Objective r - r To know more about the characteristics of long-term users of hypnotic and tranquillising drugs in a primary health care area in The Netherlands. Design r - r A questionnaire was applied to users of benzodiazepines and the computerised medical records were analysed. Setting r - r Nine general practices affiliated to the Registration Network Family Practices (RNH) of the University of Maastricht (UM). Subjects r - r A sample of 506 users, aged U 30 years, was divided into four categories: short-term (<3 months) users (once-only and episodic) and long-term users (episodic and continuous). Results r - r In 1992/93, 81% were long-term users and 42% of these took their drug continuously. All groups investigated had a preponderance of women. Health problems more so than social problems led to use of the drug. Long-term use was associated with older age, depressive behaviour in handling problems, a higher score on the medicine addiction index, problems with children or housing, and satisfaction with the effects of the drug. Conclusion r - r Most people taking benzodiazepines are long-term users. Age, depressive behaviour, addiction, satisfaction and problems with children or housing are risk factors for long-term use. Gender is not risk factor.

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