
Selective programe by honeycomb method was used to improve oil content of sunflower seeds (Coban) cultivar. This programme started with progeny test. Individual plants were selected in spring of 2006 continuoly for five selective cycles. Selection was carried out for the best oil content and grain yield on the basis of parent off spring regression for progeny test. Plant performance was preserved by sibbing between the individuals of the same progeny. Results show that selection had anoted impact on oil content, which have been increased from 36.45 to 43.52 %, this increament was 7.07 % as compared to the original community. The genetic gain average for oil content for each cycle was 0.67. On the other hand higher genetic gain was 6.3%, and for each selection cycle reached 3.5%. The average of heritage percentage reached 42.7% for each cycle. The best genotype among the genotype stubied that gave the highest oil content were HCC, HCC9, HCC10. The percentages, however, were 43.96, 43.35 and 43.23% respectively. It is also obvious that selection did not effect significantly the plant highet, seed number and on plant yield.

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